Assemble an Outfit

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Fashion decisions made simpler.

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Decisions Simplified

Meet the team

ASSEMBLE is a modern day wardrobe builder that provides full outfit options without having to spend hours on the Internet hunting for individual pieces. Time is money, so don’t waste it stressing out about what to wear.

Prioritize Your Time

Meet the team

Waking up in the morning and choosing matching outfits is tedious. Fill your closet with outfits styled by our professionals to help you get out the door quicker. No need to stress about looking good anymore.

Featured Clients


Together with the Zeen team, we have compiled a new product page.
John Doe, CEO at Webflow
Creating a landing page with clear and targeted messaging was a crucial step in increasing conversions. Together with the Zeen team, we have compiled a new product page.
John Doe, CEO at Webflow
Landing page with clear and targeted messaging was a crucial step in increasing conversions.
John Doe, CEO at Webflow

Our Work




You’ve got enough decision making to do, let us take the wheel on this one.


Spend more time doing what you love and less time deciding what to wear.


Work smarter, not harder

Graphic Design

Standard of own film production that delivers


Together with the Zeen team, we have compiled a new product page.
Creating a landing page with clear and targeted messaging was a crucial step in increasing conversions. Together with the Zeen team, we have compiled a new product page.
Landing page with clear and targeted messaging was a crucial step in increasing conversions.

Save Time,

Look Good

Intuition and strategy integrate the research methodology that we also apply to traditional media.